Thursday, Feb. 18: Level One is still in effect Provided by
Below is an description of the different emergency levels:
Energy Emergency Alert Level 1: Declared when all available resources have been committed to meet obligations, and SPP is at risk of not meeting required operating reserves.
Energy Emergency Alert Level 2: Declared when SPP can no longer provide expected energy requirements and is an Energy Deficient Entity, or when SPP foresees or has implemented procedures up to, but excluding, interruption of firm load commitments.
Energy Emergency Alert Level 3: At this level, SPP is utilizing operating reserves such that it is carrying reserves below the required minimum and has initiated assistance through the Reserve Sharing Group. Declared when SPP foresees or has implemented firm load obligation interruption. Before requesting an EEA 3, SPP will have already provided the appropriate internal notifications to its Market Participants.
Per SPP the Emergency Alert has been lowered to Level 1
Per the Southern Power Pool....the emergency alert is at Level 2.
They request that usage be conserved.
Levels may change for the latest updates:
View current Grid Conditions for additional information.

The latest Grid Condition. SPP has lowered the Emergency Alert to Level 1.
As of 12:31 p.m. Central time, SPP has downgraded the energy emergency alert (EEA) to a Level 1. This is declared when all available resources have been committed to meet obligations, and SPP is at risk of not meeting required operating reserves. Source
Please read all statements below:
GRDA Statement on Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3 Declaration:
This morning the Grand River Dam Authority received notification that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the electric balancing market for a 17-state region, was declaring an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3. Under the EEA Level 3 declaration, SPP must utilize operating reserves below the required minimum or ask its member utilities to implement controlled service interruptions. Alert Level 3 is the highest alert level that SPP uses in a situation of energy shortage.
GRDA will be forced to interrupt service at the request of SPP in order to balance generation and load, and maintain system stability, across the region. Not all GRDA customers will be affected at one time, but on a rotational basis this action may negatively impact power delivery to some customers, resulting in a controlled interruption of service that will persist for approximately one hour per rotation.
Further conservation of energy across the SPP footprint is being pursued as a means to reduce the need for further interruptions. The purpose of this plan is to control and manage the situation to ensure the best outcome in not having a more widespread interruption of service.
GRDA System Operations will be in contact with representatives of utility systems served by GRDA in advance of these interruptions.
GRDA Statement on Imminent Coordinated Interruption of Service
The Grand River Dam Authority just received notification that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the electric balancing market for a 17-state region, would be ordering members to implement coordinated interruptions to service.
This follows on the heels of SPP’s earlier EEA Level 3 declaration. Alert Level 3 is the highest alert level that SPP uses in a situation of energy shortage.
GRDA anticipates that in will be forced into a load shed scenario at the request of SPP in order to balance generation and load, and maintain system stability, across the region. Not all GRDA customers will be affected at one time, but on a rotational basis this action may negatively impact power delivery to some GRDA customers, resulting in a controlled interruption of service that will attempted to be kept to less than an hour.
Further conservation of energy across the SPP footprint is being pursued as a means to reduce the need for further interruptions. The purpose of this plan is to coordinate and manage outages so as to avoid having a more widespread interruption of service.
GRDA System Operations will be in contact with your utility department in advance of these interruptions. We will attempt to give you as much notice as possible, but notification may made minutes before remote interruptions of service take place.
Message from Southwest Power Pool
Monday morning the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), who manages the electric balancing market for a 17-state region, stated that they would be declaring an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 1, effective
5:00am Monday, February 15.
According to SPP, due to the effects of widespread and extreme cold weather across the region, SPP is asking member utilities, to conserve energy
beginning at midnight central time on Monday, Feb. 15
and for the following 48 hours to mitigate the risk of widespread and longer-lasting outages.
The Wagoner Public Works Authority is joining the SPP, Grand River Dam Authority, and other utilities across our region in asking customers to find ways to conserve energy during this weather event.
We urge customers to conserve power where they can to help do our part, with the elimination of coal fired units & the lack of renewables during this time means a reliance on natural gas electric generation. In addition, the Extreme loads being put on the entire region, the demand for natural gas has sent prices soaring.
While wind resources are offline due to the freezing temperatures, SPP's alert means that all available generation resources are being called upon. The extreme cold weather has caused a sharp increase in natural gas demand, especially for power generation plants operating at near 100% capacity.
The SPP has members in 14 states: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming of which we are a part of...
During these types of weather related events, customers should have a plan in place in case of power outages. Keep cell phones charged. Check on your elderly family members and neighbors.
The situation is being monitored and possibly will change in the coming days, as we continue to monitor requests of SPP & GRDA in this extreme weather event. We will provide updates as information is available.