
Wagoner cemeteries date back to the 1800’s when Wagoner first became an inhabited city. Our cemeteries can be a place to discover history and study the past, trace your ancestry, learn about great people who have gone before you, follow the history of our community and gain insight into life itself.

Cemetery Office
12th & Parkinson
Wagoner, Oklahoma
PHONE: 918-485-2344
EMAIL: cemetery@wagonerok.org

Elmwood Cemetery
9th & Parkinson

Pioneer Memorial Cemetery
One mile east of Wagoner on Hwy 51

Pricing Information

Lot Costs:
Resident: $500.00
Non-Resident: $2,500.00

Opening/Closing Traditional Burial: 
Monday-Friday: $350  
Saturday: $700.00

Monday-Friday: $150.00
Saturday: $300.00