Current News

Habitat for Humanity to host Community Meeting
Join Habitat for Humanity for a community info meeting on May 15th 6pm at the Wagoner Civic Center-301 S Grant Avenue. Habitat will talk about homes...

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Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies who make our lives special! Don't forget to shop local when honoring your Mom.  
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Council & WPWA Meetings Rescheduled due to severe weather threat
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The City is Hiring...Come and Join the Team!
Application for Employment The City of Wagoner/Wagoner Public Works Authority is currently hiring for positions. Please contact HR 918-485-2554 for ...

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Dumpster Available for City Residents
Spring Wagoner Clean-up is scheduled for May 4th and May 18th.  Wagoner Residents will need to provide a valid driver's license/ID and ...

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Lights, Camera, Action- Filming in Downtown Wagoner
Please note filming will take place in downtown Wagoner Wednesday & Thursday April 23rd & 24th....from 5p-7a. each night.  S. Main at Ch...

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ODOT Resurface Project Begins!
The resurfacing project for SH-51/Cherokee St. between US-69/Dewey Ave. and SH-51/McQuarrie Ave. in Wagoner is scheduled to began on April 8, 20...

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City-Wide Garage Sale Scheduled
The Wagoner Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual City-wide Garage Sale. April 18-20.   For more information or to register:  918...

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Visit Wagoner's History Center
Be sure and visit the City of Wagoner History Center!  Spring hours:  Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat from 10a. - 4p. You can see furniture, pers...

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You Are Invited!
Please make plans to attend the Wagoner History Center (Museum) re-opening. March 26th 4:30p-6:30p  122 S. Main.  
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