Current News

Did you know?
Did you know???   The St. James Episcopal Church is the oldest Episcopal Church still in use.  It was built in 1894 and is on the Nat...

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Thank you!
Thank you to everyone for making the 40th Annual Bluegrass & Chili Festival a success! Sponsors, attendees, volunteers, businesses, city crews......

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City Offices Closed
City of Wagoner offices will be closed in honor of Labor Day, Monday September 2nd. Emergency Services will be available. Have a safe holiday week...

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Street Closings for Upcoming Festival
In order to maintain safety and keep traffic flowing please note the following street closings/detours: Thru traffic will be detoured from 69 ...

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FYI's from City of Wagoner-Street Closings & Clean-Up
The Bluegrass & Chili Festival is just around the corner...We will be welcoming thousands of visitors from the region. We always want Wagoner to ...

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Back To School
Don't forget school begins this week-Thursday.....August 15th! Please watch for school speed zones/crossings.  The children will be ...

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Wagoner Police Department to Host National Night Out
You are invited....Tuesday evening, August 6th 6p.8p.  Maple Park...for "Nationa Night Out." National Night Out is celebrated across t...

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City Offices Closed
Please Note:  City offices will be closed Tuesday July 30 from 11a-3:30p. This does not affect Emergency Services.  
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Bull Dog Bite Street Race
The engines will be reved and the tires will be smokin" - July 13th. This is the second race of a series of 3-set for Wagoner. Street will be c...

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Disaster Assistance Available
Due to the recent flooding throughout Wagoner County-please call FEMA for Disaster Assistance:  1-800-621-FEMA (3362) Or register on-line:...

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