Current News

Fall Time Change Sunday, November 3
TIME CHANGE Officially at 2a. Sunday morning, November 3rd - clocks are set back one hour! Just a helpful reminder:  Spring Forward- Fall Bac...

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Street Closings for Trunk or Treat Saturday
Street Closing notice for Saturday, October 26th.  These closings are to insure the safety of the children who will be participating in Trunk or...

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Happy Halloween!
The Wagoner City Council has designated October 31st from 6p-9p as official Trick or Treat time. Drivers please be watching for all the little ghos...

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Union Pacific's "Big Boy" to stop in Wagoner
Trains have always played an important role in the history of Wagoner.   UP's Big Boy #4014 the World's Largest Steam Engine will s...

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Wagoner Economic Development offers Fall Business Grant
Wagoner Economic Devlopment Authority is underwriting grant monies in the amount of $2,000. The Fall 2019 Grant applications are available now. ...

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Wagoner Historical Museum Renovations Continue
The City of Wagoner is excited to report that renovations are moving forward and the transformation is absolutely amazing.  Please continue ...

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Road Closure Notice-Wagoner Street Department
The City of Wagoner's Street Department continues to repair streets across the city.  Please be observant of Road Closure Signs. As a res...

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Renovations at the Museum continue to progress
Renovations to Wagoner's Museum are continuing and the progress is outstanding.  The building is looking spectacular!  Announcement soon...

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Bull Dog Bite Street Race-October 5th
Bull Dog Bite Street Race: The engines are reved and the tires are smoking! This fun family event promises ...

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Thank you!!!
Thank you to everyone who worked together to make the 40th Annual Bluegrass & Chili Festival a great success! Sponsors, volunteers, city crews, b...

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