Current News

Resources for COVID 19
Resources are available for businesses and indivduals: The Oklahoma Department of Commerce- Oklahoma Departm...

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COVID-19 Public Statement
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Street Closing Scheduled
Please note:  A private contractor will be working at N. Storey and McQuarrie beginning Wednesday, March 25th. This will be weather permitt...

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Daylight Savings Time Reminder
Don't forget Daylight Savings Time goes into effect this Sunday March 8th at 2:00a. Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour. "Spring Fo...

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Super Tuesday Election -March 3rd
Don't forget to vote, Tuesday, March 3rd. Presdential Primary-Super Tuesday Polls are open 7a-7p. If you have any questions regarding your poll...

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5th Street is Open
The City of Wagoner / Street Department:  Advises that SW 5th St at Wagoner and Van Buren is now open. City of Wagoner making things better fo...

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US Census 2020 Update
March 12-20 the US Census Bureau will be mailing official 2020 Census information. The Census has been in place since 1790 and occurs every 10 years....

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Festival & Event Season is just around the corner
If you have your event date set...then let us know.  We will either place it on the City's website or include in the Community Event Calenda...

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Wagoner History Center/Museum is Open!
Dignitaries, visitors and Wagoner residents were all present to open the newly renovated  Wagoner History Center/Museum on Friday.   ...

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Thank You!
Thank you to all who attended, volunteered and supported the benefit event this past Saturday.  It was a great event for a wonderful young membe...

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