Current News

Wagoner Mayor responds to Governor Stitts OURS plan
"At this time the City of Wagoner fully intends to follow Governor Stitt and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce three phase plan “OURS&rdq...

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Governor Stitt Announces Gradual Business Reopenings
Governor Stitt has announced an initial phase/gradual reopening of certain businesses statewide. Currently Wagoner is following state guidelines.&nbs...

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Did You Know?
Facts and Fun.... Did you know that Wagoner is located on the Jefferson Highway known as the Palm to Pine Highway.  The highway was the first i...

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COVID 19 Drive Thru Testing Available Friday, April 10
The Wagoner & State of Oklahoma Health Departments , Wagoner County Emergency Management, Wagoner Police and Fire Departments and Wagoner Schools...

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City Offices Closed in Observance of Good Friday
City offices will be closed Friday, April 10th in observance of Good Friday. Emergency person
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COVID Public Statement Update
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US Census 2020
Don't forget to fill out your 2020 Census Information. The US Census has been in effect since 1790 and is done every 10 years. Statistics gath...

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Water Line Repair Announced
City of Wagoner Water Distribution Crew will be repairing a waterline on Susan Avenue tomorrow (Tuesday 3-31) Water Customers from Walmart to the Wes...

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City Dumpsters Closed Temporarily
City Dumpsters will be unavailabe.  Due to COVID 19 we are taking precautions to protect residents and staff. We will re-open as soon as poss...

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Governor Stitt Calls for Day of Prayer
Governor Stitt has called for a Day of Prayer today in Oklahoma. KOTV Channel 6 will be airing a special tonight at 6:30p.  "Let Hope Rise ...

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