Current News

Memorial Day Flower Removal Reminder from Cemetery Maintenance
Cemetary Maintenance Department would like to remind everyone that flowers  Flowers will need to be removed by May 31st.  Crews will ...

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Flower Removal Reminder-Cemetary
Just a reminder that flowers will need to be removed from Wagoner City Cemetaries by May 31st. Any remaining flowers will be removed by Cemetary p...

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Happy Retirement Louis Sowers
Congratulations to Louis Sowers who will retire from the Wagoner Fire Department with 25 years of service.  HIs official retirement day is June ...

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City to Re-Open facilities
City officials have determined the following openings for the City of Wagoner: Certain restrictions and guidelines will be in place at all City buidl...

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Congratulations 2020 WHS Graduates-Cruise Info
In spite of the unusual pandemic year for WHS Seniors-Graduation activities are planned. Friday, May 15th there will be a virtual slideshow/showcase....

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Governor Stitt Announces Phase II of OURS Plan
Governor Stitt has announced that Phase II of the OURS Plan will begin May 15th. Specific Employer Guidance Bars can operate with diminished stand...

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City Pool (Waterpark) to remain closed
Due to safety and health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, the CIty of Wagoner has made the decision to not open the Wagoner Water Park for...

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Memorial Day: City Closed- American Legion Celebration at 10a.
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed for Memorial Day on May 25th. Emergency Services will remain open.  City offices will reopen on Tuesd...

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City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner currently has two positions open:   Fire Department:  Firefighter/Driver Electric Department:  Apprentice or...

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COVID-19 Public Statement Updatw
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