Current News

Don't forget to Vote Tuesday, June 30
Your Vote....Your Choice.....Polling locations will open from 7a-7p. Federal, State and County seats, state question. If you have questions about yo...

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Wagoner's Katy Depot Comes Home
Wagoner's original Katy Depot is on its way home.  The Depot will be moved, Wednesday morning, June 24th beginning  at 9:00a. ...

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Street Closings
Street Department advises of the following closings: MLK Blvd. between SW 8th & SW 9th Street will be closed temporarily for street cut. Antic...

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City Offices Closed
City Offices will be closed Friday July 3rd in Observance of July 4th Independence Day. Emergency Services will be available. City offices will re-o...

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The City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner is currently taking applications for City Planner. City Planner:  The City Planner is the director of the development serv...

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4th of July Fireworks, Children's Parade Set, City hours
Downtown Wagoner presents:  Fourth of July Children's Parade 10:00a. Parade line-up at the Courthouse to S. Main. Walkers, decorated bicycl...

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US Census Continues
Don't forget to fill out your US Census Information.  Statistics gathered from the census information is used to determine federal funding fo...

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Beats Brews & BBQ-June 12 & 13....Road Closures
Downtown Wagoner will be smoking as 60 professional KCBS BBQ teams compete for cash prizes!  Professional teams will roll into Wagoner for set-up...

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City is Hiring
Wagoner Public Works Authority is looking for an experienced  Apprentice or Journeyman Electric Line Worker-CDL A or B strongly preferred but no...

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Road Closed
Please note that NE 13th St  (oldl Gertrude Road) to 69 Highway will be closed for flood water control. Drive safely and remember to "...

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