Current News

Deadline Approaches for US Census
Don't forget to fill out the brief Census quesionaire.  September is the final month to do so. Please note all information is confidential b...

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City of Wagoner is offering a Free Dumpster for Fall Clean-up
The City of Wagoner is offering a free dumpster beginning Saturday, October 3 thru Saturday, October 10. Wagoner residents can use the dumpster for f...

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Street Closing
City of Wagoner Street Department advises that:   S. Polk Street from 6th St. to 8th St. will be closed during the day for repairs. One la...

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Street Sweeping to take place!
City of Wagoner Street Department advises that street sweeping will take place Thursday, September 3rd in the evening-main roads and in the downtown ...

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Wagoner Welcomes FLW Tournament
Wagoner Welcomes professional anglers to Lake Ft. Gibson. Taylor Ferry will host the weigh-ins. Tournament will be held September 2-4.   ...

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City Offices Closed
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed in honor of Labor Day on Monday, September 7th. Emergency services will be available. City offices w...

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Bluegrass & Chili Festival Cancelled due to COVID concerns
The 41st Annual Bluegrass & Chili Festival set for September 11 & 12 in downtown Wagoner has been cancelled due to ongoing and ever chan...

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Electric Outage
Wagoner citizens on the South side of town will be experiencing a controlled outage for about the next hour. Electric should be back on around 5p-5:3...

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City Street Work Scheduled
The City of Wagoner Street Department will be doing repair work on S. Filmore from 9th to 11th beginning Monday, August 24th.  Please be aware ...

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New Stop Signs Installed
The City of Wagoner Street Department has installed new STOP signs at the intersection of Timberland & Berkley.   Please...

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