Current News

Events Happening This Weekend-Homecoming Parade Postponed& Trunk or Treat
UPDATE....Wagoner High School Homecoming Parade has been postponed!   Parade was originally set for today (Friday) at 3:30.  Watch for ...

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Tractor Pull Scheduled for October 17th
Don't miss the annual Tractor Pull this Saturday, October 17th. Dunbar Park.  Activities begin at 10a-7p. For more info:  Contact:&nbs...

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Street Closing
City of Wagoner Street Department advises: SW 13th St. from Polk to Tyler will be closed for repairs. Repairs should be completed by the end of the ...

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ODOT Works on 69 Highway
Oklahoma Department of Transportation has begun the work project on Hwy 69 in Wagoner. Project involves milling and resurfacing - from Burger King to...

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The City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner is currently looking for  qualified candidates to fill the position of  Paramedic, Dispatcher/Jailer and Street Maintena...

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You still have time to be counted!
The deadline has been extended for the Census. Please respond....this is important to the State of Oklahoma and Wagoner. The information is confiden...

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City of Wagoner offices closed on October 12
City of Wagoner offices will be closed on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day.  Offices will re-open on Tuesday at 8:30a. Emergenc...

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Switching Gears set for October 10 in Downtown Wagoner
Don't miss the fun and excitement of this event. Downtown Wagoner-October 10th
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Attention Water to be temporarily shut down for line repairs
Attention Citizens. North East 3rd to North East 12th from Parkinson to West Fillmore the WPWA water department will be doing a controlled shut down o...

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Best Wishes to Jerry Luckey Retiring September 24th
Congratulations to Jerry Luckey who will retire from the City of Wagoner Park & Rec Department after 21 years of service.  Best Wishes and Ha...

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