Current News

COVID Update to the Citizens of Wagoner
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Street Closings
City of Wagoner-Street Department advises of the following street closures: NW 4th St. between Rice and Filmore will be closed this week for repairs....

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Homecoming Parade Cancelled
Wagoner Public Schools has cancelled the annual Homecoming Parade set for Friday, November 13th due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. G...

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Residential & Business Decorating Contests
Wagoner residents and businesses will have the opportunity to participate in two decorating contests. Residents can decorate their yards or homes.......

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Vote on Tuesday, November 3
Dont forget to vote on Tuesday, November 3rd.  In person voting at your precinct location is from 7a. to 7p. Questions on your polling location...

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City Offices Closed- Veterans Day-Veterans Ceremony Scheduled
Wagoner City Offies will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th. Emergency services will be available. City offices will re-open on Thursday, Novembe...

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Early Voting Available-Wagoner County
The Wagoner County Electior Board has two locations for early voting: The Wagoner County Election Board - 208 N. Lee St in downtown Wagoner Herita...

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Wagoner is your Christmas Destination-Not to early to make plans now!
City of Wagoner, Wagoner Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Wagoner and the Ft. Gibson Lake Association are planning an awesome Christmas Celebration begi...

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Electric Service Interupted regionally
Electric service has been interupted regionally. Please note all lineman are working as quickly as possible to restore power. Thank you lineman fr...

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Trick or Treat times set
Trick or Treat time for Wagoner is officially set for Saturday, October 31st  from 6p-9p. Be safe!
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