Current News

City Offices Closed -Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 15
Wagoner City offices will be closed in observance of Presidents Day, Monday, Feb. 15th. Emergency services will be available. City offices will re-o...

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Municipal Election Candidacy Filing Period Set-Wagoner County Fair Board Info
Wagoner County Election Board-Municipal Filing period is coming up Feb. 1-3.  8a-5p. Posistions available: City of Wagoner:  Councilmemb...

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Municipal Court Dates - January 4, 2021
Don't forget that the City of Wagoner Municipal Court-rescheduled Court dates for Dec. 21 and December January 4, 2021. These chan...

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City Offices Closed New Year's Day
City of Wagoner offices will be closed in observance of New Year's Day, Friday-January 1st, 2021. Emergency Services will be available. City off...

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Christmas Decorating Competition Winners Announced

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Congratulations Bulldogs!
Congratulations to the newest 4A Football Champions.  Wagoner Bulldogs brought home the gold!!!!  
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Wagoner Police Department Hosting Food & Coat Drive
Wagoner Police Department is currently collecting canned food and coats. Donations will be used to assist Wagoner citizens,  Take your donations...

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City Offices Closed & History Center Holiday Hours
The City of Wagoner will be closed in observance of the Christmas Holidays. Offices will be closed December 24th & 25th.  Emergency service...

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Wagoner Bulldogs Go For the Gold
Wagoner's Bulldogs will take on the Clinton Tornadoes for the 4-A State Championship. The game will be played in Edmond on the campus of UCO at 1...

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City of Wagoner Hazard Mitigation Meeting Scheduled
The City of Wagoner and Wagoner School District announce a second public meeting on December  10, 2020 at 6p. Wagoner Civic Center-301 S. Grant ...

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