Current News

Mosquito Spraying Begins
The City of Wagoner Street Department will begin spraying for mosquitos.  With the recent rains and cooler weather mosquito control is so im...

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Summer Fest is here!!!
Set up for this 60 year old tradition begins Tuesday, June 1.  Streets that will be barricaded include S Main at Cherokee to SE Third Street, Ch...

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Memorial Day Flowers Need to be picked up by June 7
Please note Memorial Day Flowers need to be picked up at City Cemeteries by Monday June 7th. This will allow for staff to do regular maintenance........

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Summer Reading Program Activities Announced
The City of Wagoner Public Library presents their annual Summer Reading Program Tails & Tales.  There will be a host of fun activi...

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The City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner is Hiring for the following positions: City Planner, Line clearing crew, Water and Wastewater Distribution Operator, Police Office...

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Water Park Set to Open on May 29th!
The Water Park is set to open on Saturday, May 29th.   The Water Park, is located in Maple Park, at NE 2nd & Story.  Opens May 29- ...

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Memorial Day Flowers Placement Reminder
Note:  Families may begin placing Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Flowers at Wagoner Cemeteries beginning May 27th.  Flowers will need to...

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Summerfest June 3-5 in Downtown Wagoner!
Summerfest is almost here!  Mark your calendars for June 3-5 in downtown Wagoner! Thursday, Friday....5p.-10p.    Saturday, 1p-10p. ...

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City Offices Closed & Memorial Day American Legion Observance
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed for Memorial Day on May 31st Emergency Services will remain open.  City offices will reopen on T...

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Open Rodeo
Rodeo action takes place at the Clint Cagle Memorial Arena May 14 & 15 in Wagoner Featuring:  Calf & Team Roping, Bull Riding, Ladies Br...

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