Current News

City Offices Closed & Memorial Day American Legion Observance
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed for Memorial Day on May 31st Emergency Services will remain open.  City offices will reopen on T...

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Open Rodeo
Rodeo action takes place at the Clint Cagle Memorial Arena May 14 & 15 in Wagoner Featuring:  Calf & Team Roping, Bull Riding, Ladies Br...

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Paint the Hydrants
Cities all across America are painting fire hydrants.  These painted hydrants are whimiscal, creative and reflect the personality of the communi...

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City Wide Garage Sale
City wide Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday May 1st. For more information contact:  Wagoner Chamber of Commerce  918-485-3414  ...

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Farmers Market Now Open!
The Downtown Wagoner Farmer's Market is OPEN Semore Park in downtown Wagoner.  Hours: 2p-6p. Farmer's Market will be every Sunday from ...

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FREE   E-Waste Recycling Event Scheduled
The Cherokee Nation will host a free E-Waste Recycling Event....May 14th 8a-1p. See the specifics below.
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Street Repairs Underway-April 12-April 16
Wagoner Street Department will be doing maintenance in these areas:  Please note streets may be reduced to one lane and or totally closed at var...

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Recycling Trailer has a new location
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Area Clean-up Day is scheduled-Let's Keep Oklahoma Beautiful
Clean-up day around the City and the Lake areas is scheduled for April 10th.  9a.-12 Noon This is a great opportunity to spruce up the area as w...

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Street Repair Scheduled
The City of Wagoner Street Department will be doing repairs at 12th & Harrell. Traffic will be down to one lane.  Please watch for barr...

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