Current News

Wagoner Police Department to host National Night Out
Wagoner Police Department to host "National Night Out" August 3rd 6p.-8p. Maple Park Residents can meet the officers, enjoy hot dogs, have...

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Water Service to be interrupted this week
Note:  Residents living in the NW 4th/NW 3rd Street areas of Polk, Prarie Streets... your water could be disrupted as Water Crews will...

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The City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner is hiring!  Currently aceppting applications and resumes for the following:  Parks Department & Police Dispatcher....

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4th of July Activities in Wagoner
Downtown Wagoner will be hosting the annual 4th of July Kids, Pets & Bicycle Parade. Event is set for Saturday July 3rd at 10:00a. in Maple Park...

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Street Closing & Construction Notice
The 800 Block of S. Susan Avenue will be closed later this week. Work is expected to take place beginning Thursday or Friday (June 24th or 25th)&nbs...

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Congratulations to Deputy Chief/Major Clyde Miller-Retiring
Congratulations and best wishes to Deputy Chief/Major Clyde Miller. He will be retiring from the Wagoner Police Department with 39 years and se...

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Wagoner Saturday Farmer's Market/Music Is Open
Wagoner Saturday Farmers Market will be from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Music from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm.   Special Cruise In with the Tulsa Camaro C...

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The City is Hiring
The City of Wagoner/Wagoner Public Works Authority are currently accepting resumes/applications for the following positions:  City...

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Vehicle hot temperatures mean danger for children, adults and pets
With the rise of temperatures during the summer-the heat inside a vehicle also increases. Don't leave children, elderly or pets even for a minute...

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Wagoner Farmers Market & Music to Open on Saturday, June 19th
Wagoner Saturday Farmers Market will be from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. This Saturday (June 19) the Wagoner Art Alliance invites all ages to join in...

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