Current News

City Offices Closed in Observance of Veterans Day
City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 11th in observance of  Veterans Day. Offices will re-open Friday, Nov. 12 at 8:30a. Emergence...

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Water Service to be interrupted on Tuesday
Tuesday, October 26 Scheduled interuption:  A valve needs to be replaced on water line that services areas West of Wal-Mart continuing  ...

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Veterans Day Activities Scheduled
Make plans to honor all Veterans on November 11th  on the Wagoner Court House lawn. The American Legion Post 153* will host speakers, wreat...

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FYI - Upcoming WPW  Projects
Please note the following City Departments will be working on projects that may affect city services in different areas of the city at different ...

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Fall Time Change is Sunday, November 7th
Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 7th at 2:00am.  
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Kites for Kids Event Saturday, October 16
Wagoner Rotary Club "Kites for Kids" event will take place Saturday, October 16th 9a-Noon at Dunbar Park. All kiddos will receive a free k...

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Electric Outage Rescheduled
City of Wagoner Public Works (Electric Dept.) is postponing a planned maintenance outage. Due to the possible inclement weather forecast-the outage w...

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Wagoner Homecoming Parade
Wagoner Homecoming is set for Friday-October 8th. Parade is at 3;30p.  Please Note Street  closings Parade will proceed from Bul...

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Halloween is Spooktacular in Wagoner area
Halloween activities are popular in the Wagoner area. Please check the Visitors Page Tab for more details. October 8-October 30- Haunted Maze: ...

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City Offices Closed
The City of Wagoner will be closed on Monday, October 11th. In observance of Indigenious People's Day (Native American Day-Columbus Day) Of...

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