Current News

Only a few days left to view Christmas Decorations
Still have leftover relatives and need something to do....Wagoner can be your destination. Christmas Displays and Light Show will be in place through...

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Meeting to be rescheduled-Public Open House/Discussion - Storm Water Issues and possible Stormwater Utility
Due to unforseen circumstances...tonights's meeting will be rescheduled....please watch for updates. We apologize for any inconvenience. &...

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Happy New Year!
The New Year is just around the corner.  The City of Wagoner looks forward to another  great year of exciting things happening for resident...

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Decorating Contest Winners Announced!
“Wagoner Your Christmas Destination” event organizers continued the Christmas Season  tradition by hosting Residential yard/hou...

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Decorating Contest Winners Announced
 Winners are announced from the Wagoner Your Christmas Destination event organizers  Decorating Contests.  The City of Wagoner Economi...

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City offices Holiday Schedule
The City of Wagoner will be closed for Christmas Holidays on  Thursday, December 23rd & Friday, December 24th.  Offices will reopen at...

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Street Closing
Beginning Thursday, December 9 and continuing through Friday, Dec. 10....The Water Department will be working on a service line on N. State between 1...

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Kids Free Movie Night December 16th at 6p
Calling all kiddos.....It's movie night at the Wagoner Civic Center...6p on Dec. 16th. The movie "Polar Express" will be showing. ...

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Winter Concert Series-Saturday, Dec. 11th 7p. it's Vintage Christmas
Don't miss the Tim Shelton's Vintage Christmas Concert, Saturday, Dec. 11th at 7p. The all Christmas music evening will feature classics from...

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Winter Concert Series - Friday, December 10th at 7p.
"Let's Rock around the Christmas Tree" Friday, December 10 at 7p.  Wagoner Civic Center. Join Alan Thompson "Alby for Christm...

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