Current News

Wagoner Welcomes MLF College Championship
City of Wagoner, Wagoner Chamber of Commerce, welcomes Major League Fishing to Lake Ft. Gibson- The ABU Garcia College Fishing Championship ...

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Notice of Water Outages-Due to Fire Hydrant Changes
Please NOTE.....Due to impending hydrant replacement scheduled for today (2-22-22) is being postponed. Check back for updates! The...

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Governor Stitt Declares March 13-19 Oklahoma Museums Week
Oklahoma Governor has proclaimed March 13-19 as Oklahoma Museums Week. Don't forget to visit Wagoner's History Center-March 17, 18 and 19th. ...

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How to Start a Backyard Farm -Free Class -March 11th
If you are interested in learning how to grow fruits, vegetables in your own backyard.... The Wagoner Farmer's Market and Langston University are...

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Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 13
Daylight Savings Time officially begins, Sunday, March 13th at 2a. Be sure to turn clocks forward one hour "Spring Forward"  
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Tornado Siren Testing
Wagoner Fire Department & Emergency Management will be testing the tornado sirens-Friday, February 18th at 10a.  (weather permitting). City...

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Wagoner Chamber - New Web Site
The Wagoner Chamber has launched their new website.  For business, civic and community  information check:  https://www.wagonerch...

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Pryor Waste & Recycling FYI
Due to the impending forecast- Pryor Waste & Recycling  would like to let Wagoner residents know that  trash services could be moved by...

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Cold Weather Precaution Reminders!
The Cold weather helpful reminders: 1.  Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses and spigots- wrap outside faucets      (use insulat...

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Notice of Public Review & Notice of Public Hearing
NOTICE OF PUBLIC REVIEW FOR THE CITY OF WAGONER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that draft copies of the...

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