Current News

It's Time for Wagoner's Farmers Market & Music
The Wagoner Farmers Market & Music will officially open on April 23rd at 8a. The Wagoner Farmers Market will be located at 125 N. Main in downtow...

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Wagoner Fire Department Mike Dumond Benefit
The Wagoner Fire Department is hosting BBQ Dinner, Raffle & Silent Auction for Mike Dumond. Funds raised will be used to defray medical expenses....

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City Offices Closed
City offices will be closed in observance of Good Friday on April 15th.   Offices will reopen on Monday, April 18th at 8:30a. Emergency se...

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Keep Wagoner Area & Oklahoma Beautiful Clean-Up Day Scheduled
Do your part in keeping our community clean and looking good.  National Clean up day ifor the Wagoner area is scheduled for Saturday, April 23rd...

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Clean Up Day Scheduled!  Dumpster provided
Let's Keep Wagoner and Oklahoma Beautiful!   Mark your calendar for April 23rd for Clean-up Day. The City of Wagoner residents can use...

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Street Closings
Wagoner Street Department will be closing street at Church and State. For repairs- Street will be closed Thursday, March 31 & Friday, April 1st ...

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City Wide Garage Sale
City-wide permit free Garage Sale is set for April 22-24. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for more information. 918-485-3414    
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KATS Transportation Updates
Did you know that we have a transportation service in Wagoner? Did you know you can now request a ride after their normal business hours through the U...

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The City is Hiring
 WE ARE HIRING:   The City of Wagoner is now taking applications for all seasonal positions, including Lifeguards, Pool Cashiers and Se...

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Wagoner Farmers Market scheduled to open April 2nd.
Applications are now being accepted for vendor space at Wagoner Farmers Market. Market is scheduled to open on April 2nd. For more info:  ...

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