Current News

Weekend Happenings!
Events in WagonerWagoner will be busy this weekend....come join the fun! Rodeo Fans enjoy the action this weekend...May 20 & 21st Soccer enthusi...

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Downtown Road Closure Notice
Beginning Monday, May 16, 2022, South Main Street will be closed to thru traffic until Friday, May 20, 2022. The City of Wagoner will be continu...

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Water Park Set to Open May 28th
Wagoner Water Park 2022 Season is scheduled to open on May 28th-August 14th. Season Passes are on sale at City Hall- 231 Church Street.  For po...

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Electric Substation Update Scheduled!  Note Controlled Outage will occur!
The Wagoner Public Works Authority will be doing a controlled outage Wednesday night/ Thursday morning May 11th/12th from midnight to 4am. &...

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Memorial Day Flowers Placement Reminder
Note:  Families may begin placing Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Flowers at Wagoner Cemeteries beginning May 27th.  Flowers will ne...

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City Offices Closed - Memorial Day American Legion Observance of Memorial Day
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed for Memorial Day on May 30th. Emergency Services will remain open.  City offices will reope...

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Water Department to Clean & Repair Tower on 15th St.
City of Wagoner Water Department  is in the process of draining and repairing the water tower on 15th street beginning on Tuesday,...

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Farmers Market Now Open!
The Wagoner Farmers Market & Music is officially open!  The Wagoner Farmers Market is located at 125 N. Main in downtown Wagoner on the...

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Under Construction!
Downtown Wagoner is a busy place these days.....and will be for the next 3-4 months. The City of Wagoner is busy working on storm water, Union P...

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Electric & Water Department New- Substation Update postponed due to weather conditions and Water Tower repairs/cleaning
Wagoner Public Works Authority - Electric  & Water Departments are planning for a substation update and cleaning of the water tower on 1...

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