Current News

City of Wagoner Street Closures
Due to the many construction, various projects and events there are a number of closings in and around the City. Please check:  City of Wa...

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Wagoner Sizzles This Weekend!
Bluegrass & Chili Festival is this weekend beginning on Friday, September 9 and running through Saturday night.  3 Free Stages of Entertainm...

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City Offices Closed for Labor Day
City of Wagoner offices will be closed:  Monday September 5th in observance of Labor Day. Emergency services  will be open. City...

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Water Service to be interrupted Friday August 19
City of Wagoner Water Department has announced a controlled water outage on Friday, August 19th beginning at 8a. Estimated time of completion is Noon....

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City of Wagoner Announces  Seven Million Dollar Grant Award
Mayor AJ Jones announced Friday that the City of Wagoner has been awarded a Seven Million Dollar Grant Raise Grant by the US Department of Transporta...

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Controlled Water Outage Scheduled
Thursday, August 10th...estimated time from 8a. to Noon Water Outage from NW6th to Juan's Restaurant. Thank you for your patience.  Pleas...

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August 22-Update- Street Closings Downtown & One Way at Ellington
The latest Downtown closings:  Railroad Blvd. will be closed to thru traffic until further notice. Businesses may access parking behind their lo...

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City of Wagoner is hiring!
The City of Wagoner is hiring in several departments within the City. Please contact HR for more details. E:mail: 918-485-...

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Shop Local- Tax Free Weekend
It's tax free weekend.  August 5th through the 7th. Be sure and shop local!!!    
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Bluegrass & Chili Festival Accepting Vendor Applications
Bluegrass & Chili Festival is set for September 9 & 10 in downtown Wagoner. The Festival is accepting Festival Market Vendors.  Craftsm...

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