Current News

Fall Clean Up Days!
CITY OF WAGONER FALL CLEANUP: Development Services and the Street Department will offer a Fall cleanup opportunity in October. Wagoner citizens will b...

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Update from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation regarding SH-51 resurfacing in Wagoner
Media Advisory Strategic Communications Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023 Update from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation regarding SH-51 resurfa...

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Tractor Pull This Saturday! August 19th
Join the Green Country Tractor Club as they host their annual Pull at Dunbar Park. Dunbar Park is located East of Hwy 69-on Hwy. 51 (Cherokee St. &am...

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The City of Wagoner-  is Hiring
The City of Wagoner is hiring in several departments within the City. Please contact HR for more details. Check here for:   Current Open...

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Leadership Wagoner Class II
LEADERSHIP WAGONER CLASS II: We are excited to partner with the Wagoner Area Chamber of Commerce for another year of Leadership Wagoner! Class I learn...

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Leadership Wagoner Accepting Applications
Leadership Wagoner Class II is now accepting applications.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about your community. Classes begin in Se...

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MoonFest 3.0
Moons Alley on Main is hosting MOONFEST 3.0 at 123 N Mainstreet in Wagoner!! 101.7 Okie Radio will be here! Wagoner Chamber of commerce and Cowe...

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City Dumpster Open Schedule for August
The city dumpsters are open every Thursday and Friday from 8am-3pm. They will also be open everyother Saturday from 8am-4pm. Here are the dates the du...

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Wagoner Police Department to host National Night Out
You are invited to join the Wagoner Police Department for National Night Out. August 1, 6p. to 8p.  Maple Park! Come and meet officers, free ho...

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Lucky 13 Billy Parker Bass Tournament Scheduled
The Wagoner Chamber of Commerce will host their annual Lucky 13 Billy Parker Bass Tournament on July 29th. For more info:  Contact- Wagoner C...

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