Current News

Wagoner Library Presents Free Halloween Movie
"Haunted House" Movie....Free -October 30th  1p & 7p.  Wagoner Civic Center. Join the Halloween Fun! For more info: ...

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Women's Self-Defense Class Hosted by Wagoner Police Dept.
Free Women's Defense Class November 4th.  Wagoner Civic Center Noon to 3p. Must be 13 to attend.  Wear athletic clothing and athletic ...

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City-Wide Garage Sale Scheduled
The Wagoner Chamber of Commerce announces  City-Wide Garage Sale-October 19-21 For more info:  Contact Chamber - 918-734-0220
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Halloween is "Spooktacular" in the Wagoner Area
Tis the season for little goblins and lots of Halloween fun.   Throughout the month of October there are many activities for the youngsters...

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City of Wagoner Fall Clean-up
CITY OF WAGONER FALL CLEANUP: Development Services and the Street Department will offer a Fall cleanup opportunity in October. Wagoner citizens will b...

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ODOT Maintenance Scheduled on Hwy 51-Cherokee St.
ROAD WORK ALERT: Beginning TODAY Monday, October 2, 2023, Oklahoma Department of Transportation maintenance crews will perform some surface repairs al...

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City to test all Storm Warning Sirens
The Wagoner Fire Department will be testing all emergency/severe weather sirens throughout the day on Wednesday (Sept. 27) after 9a. Weather perm...

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City Offices Closed in Observance of Indigenious People's Day
The City of Wagoner/WPWA offices will be closed on Monday, October 9th in observance of Columbus Day & Indigenious Peoples Day. Offices will rep...

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Family Fun Day set for September 30!
The Wagoner Chamber of Commerce presents Family Fun Day on September 30th. For more info:  Wagoner Chamber  
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Thank you!
On behalf of the 43rd Annual Bluegrass & Chili Festival ....Thank you to our many attendees who came to Wagoner from Oregon, Iowa, Texas, Arkansa...

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