Current News

Entries for May 2023

Memorial Day Flowers Pick up Reminder
Flowers at Wagoner Cemeteries Pioneer & Elmwood will need to be picked up by June 4th. in order for personel to maintain mowing and...

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FREE Summer Reading
The Wagoner City Public Library kicks off the FREE Summer Reading Program on Monday June 5th, 2023. Monday-Friday activities will be available for cit...

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City Offices Closed/Memorial Day Reminders
The City of Wagoner offices will be closed for Memorial Day on 29th. Emergency Services will remain open.  City offices will reopen o...

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Memorial Day Flower Placement Schedule and Reminder
Note:  Families may begin placing Memorial Day (Decoration Day) Flowers at Wagoner Cemeteries Pioneer & Elmwood beginning May ...

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Waterpark to Open on May 27th -July 30th
Summer fun is just around the corner.....City of Wagoner Water Park will open May 27th.  See info below!!!!
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Railroad scheduled to do Maintenance-Track Closures Announced
May 17 & 18- Union Pacific Railroad will be doing maintenance at track crossings. Please see attached for details. Watch for workers and traff...

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