Current News


Any individual or group wishing to reserve a field for a specific date for baseball, softball, football, soccer or other field activity must obtain authorization from the Director of Fields or their designated representative in accordance with the plan posted on the City of Wagoner website at:

Any person or group of persons using any field game area shall surrender the same to the authorized person or group at the time specified in the authorization.
Field Requests must be submitted every Friday 7am - 5pm to

Practice sessions will be 1.5-hr. Each team will be allowed to reserve two (2) practice sessions per week. The calendar will be arranged in the order in which requests were received. The Practice Schedule will be published and shared with teams on Saturday.

Daily Practice Sessions

12:00 – 1:30
1:45 – 3:15
3:30 – 5:00
5:00 – 6:30
6:45 – 8:15

Public Notes

City of Wagoner Baseball / Softball Fields

Field 1: Near Water Tower 
Field 2: Near Soccer Field
Field 3: Near HS Softball Field
Field 4: Near Water Park
Field 5: Redbud Park            


What if I miss the Friday by 5:00pm Deadline? Am I allowed to reserve a field?

  • You may request an open session by submitting a request to
  • Open session requests must be received by 11:30am to allow adequate time for the daily schedule to be updated and published.

What if there is an open field and I want to reserve it for my team?

  • You may request an open session by submitting a request to
  • Open session requests must be received by 11:30 am to allow adequate time for the daily schedule to be updated and published.

What if there was a cancellation or I need to move my team’s practice?

  • You may request an open session by submitting a request to
  • Open session requests must be received by 11:30am to allow adequate time for the daily schedule to be updated and published.

Director of Fields: Beth Johnson 918.982.4233

Click Here for the Current Practice Schedule!

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