Citizens elect the city clerk every four years, and the clerk receives a full-time salary. City Clerk Duties include attending all Council/Board meetings and recording the minutes of the meetings; keeping the minutes book for all meetings of the governing bodies; Maintaining the Ordinances, Resolutions, Easements and other documents of the City, Managing Certification of all legal documents; Attesting the Mayor’s signature and being the Custodian of the City seal.
The City Clerk also serves as Secretary to the WPWA Board of Trustees and helps to supervise the Utility Office and City Hall employees. To learn more about or to contact our elected officials, please contact us today.

City Clerk Rhonda Hash
Office 918-485-4586, Ext. 221
Term Expires 2027
Rhonda Hash began her career with the City of Wagoner in November, 1977 and has held various positions over the years. Hash currently serves as Wagoner City Clerk. She has lived in Wagoner since 1959 and attended and graduated from Wagoner Public Schools. Rhonda has three adult children and seven grandchildren.