Electric Distribution

The Wagoner Public Works Authority operates the electric distribution system for the City of Wagoner.  Wagoner is one of 64 public power cities currently operating in Oklahoma.  We take great pride in providing our residential, commercial and industrial customers with quality electric service at a competitive price.

Power Outage Information

To report a power outage during regular business hours please contact the WPWA Utility Office at 918-485-4586 or City Hall at 918-485-2554.  To report a power outage after hours, on holidays or weekends please contact the Wagoner Police Department at 918-485-9564 or 918-485-5511.

About Wagoner Electric

The City of Wagoner purchased the Wagoner Light and Power Company in 1910 and began selling electric to the citizens of Wagoner.  The electric generator facility was coal fired and was later switched to natural gas.  The city continued to operate the electric facility until a contract was signed with the Grand River Dam Authority in January 1946 to deliver electric service to Wagoner.  In July 1947 the switches were flipped and this began a long partnership with GRDA which continues to this day.  The Grand River Dam Authority continues to update and upgrade its facilities to provide the most reliable and economical electric service to its customers and we are proud to partner with them in this endeavor.  As a publicly owned electric company, the Wagoner Public Works Authority returns profits to the City of Wagoner each year which are used to support city services such as police, fire, streets, parks and cemeteries.

This department is under the direction of Eric Jones. 
E-Mail:  electric@wagonerok.org

Why Public Power?

Public Power utilities are operated by local governments to provide reliable, responsive, not-for-profit electric service.  These communities are accountable to the people they serve through local elected or appointed officials.  Generated revenues are reinvested back into the community to fund other city operations and community projects.

What is Public Power?

Electric Line Clearing

The public works authority also operates a line clearing department which is responsible for trimming of tree limbs along easements and primary electric lines across the distribution system to help eliminate power outages and continue to provide reliable electric service to our customers.

Our Team

J Antonio Martinez has been with the city of Wagoner since July of 1994. During that time he has become a skilled professional electric line clearance foreman. He and a team of three clearance-men work to clear electric lines, remove trees and pick up brush from within our city limits. Continued education and safety classes are a requirement so that they are able to provide quality work while maintaining a safe work-zone throughout the city.