The Development Services Department for the City of Wagoner is your one stop shop for development, construction, and maintenance of property within the City of Wagoner. Development Services provides guidance on land use and zoning matters and reviews development applications to ensure consistency with long-range plans that the City has adopted. Development Services also ensures that all development improvements comply with state and local development laws. Development Services staff provides support for the Wagoner the Wagoner Economic Development Authority, Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, Board of Adjustments, and City Council. You can find their office at City Hal located at 231 Church St. Wagoner, OK.

Gordon Goins, Code Enforcement/Inspector
Phone: 918-485-2554 Ext. 306
Our inspections division provides support to all applicants for building permits to ensure a smooth transition and timeline on development matters. Our code compliance division enforces city codes related to property maintenance to ensure a safe and clean environment for all of Wagoner to enjoy.

Jessica Zwirtz, Director of Development Services
Phone: 918-485-2554 Ext. 306 or Ext. 307
Current Planning
The City of Wagoner provides current planning services for the development community in Wagoner. Current planning operations are the day-to-day planning and a development activities that City Staff supports to ensure a stream lined development review process. Current planning includes permitting, plan review, land use, zoning, stormwater management, floodplain management, subdivision of land, variances, and special exceptions.
Long Range Planning
Long range planning is the development of long term planning strategies for future development. This type of planning considers longer time frames to achieve goals and objectives identified in plans. Long range plans can range from 5 years to 50 years. Long range plans can be found in the form of comprehensive plans, small area plans, and capital improvements plans.
The City of Wagoner finalized and adopted the comprehensive plan in the summer of 2018. Re:Imagine Wagoner is a 20-year development plan for the City of Wagoner. The contents of plan consist of a community profile, citizen engagement, the 8 key elements, goals and objectives for each element, and an implementation plan.
918-485-2554 Ext 306 918-485-2554 Ext. 307
The 8 key elements identified in the plan are:
- Land Use
- Parks & Recreation
- Transportation
- Historic Preservation
- Housing
- City Facilities
- Economic Development
- City Governance
The links below are supporting documents for the comprehensive plan. You can find the adopted final version of the plan below as well.
Existing Conditions Report
Plan on a Page
Future Land Use Intensity Map
Re:Imagine Wagoner - Comprehensive Plan